Thursday, June 26
5 syarat untuk melakukan maksiat..
"Suatu hari ada seorang lelaki yang menemui Ibrahim bin Adham. Dia berkata:"Wahai Aba Ishak! Selama ini aku gemar bermaksiat. Tolong berikan aku nasihat." Setelah mendengar perkataan tersebut Ibrahim berkata: "Jika kamu mahu menerima lima syarat dan mampu melaksanakannya, maka boleh kamu melakukan maksiat."Lelaki itu dengan tidak sabar-sabar bertanya. "Apakah syarat-syarat itu, wahai Aba Ishak?"Ibrahim bin Adham berkata: "Syarat pertama, jika kamu bermaksiat kepada Allah, jangan memakan rezeki-NYA."Mendengar itu dia mengernyitkan kening seraya berkata:"Dari mana aku mahu makan? Bukankah semua yang ada di bumi ini rezeki Allah?"Ya!" tegas Ibrahim bin Adham."Kalau kamu sudah memahaminya, masih mampukah memakan rezekinya, sedangkan kamu selalu berkeinginan melanggar larangan-Nya?""Yang kedua," kata Ibrahim, "kalau mahu bermaksiat, jangan tinggal di bumi-Nya! Syarat ini membuat lelaki itu terkejut setengah mati.Ibrahim kembali berkata kepadanya:"Wahai Abdullah, fikirkanlah, apakah kamu layak memakan rezeki-Nya dan tinggal di bumi-Nya, sedangkan kamu melanggar segala larangan-Nya?""Ya! Anda benar." kata lelaki itu. Dia kemudian menanyakan syarat yang ketiga. Ibrahim menjawab: "Kalau kamu masih mahu bermaksiat, carilah tempat tersembunyi yang tidak dapat terlihat oleh-Nya!"Lelaki itu kembali terperanjat dan berkata:"Wahai Ibrahim, ini nasihat macam mana? Mana mungkin Allah tidak melihat kita?""Ya, kalau memang yakin demikian, apakah kamu masih berkeinginan melakukan maksiat?" kata Ibrahim. Lelaki itu mengangguk dan meminta syarat yang keempat.Ibrahim melanjutkan:"Kalau malaikat maut datang hendak mencabut rohmu, katakanlah kepadanya, 'Ketepikan kematianku dulu. Aku masih mahu bertaubat dan melakukan amal soleh"Kemudian lelaki itu menggelengkan kepala dan segera tersedar dan berkata:"Wahai Ibrahim , mana mungkin malaikat maut akan memenuhi permintaanku?""Wahai Abdullah, kalau kamu sudah meyakini bahawa kamu tidak boleh menunda dan mengundurkan datangnya kematianmu, lalu bagaimana engkau boleh lari dari kemurkaan Allah?""Baiklah, apa syarat yang kelima?"Ibrahim pun menjawab: "Wahai Abdullah kalau malaikat Zabaniyah datang hendak mengiringmu ke api neraka di hari kiamat nanti, jangan engkau ikut bersamanya."Perkataan tersebut membuat lelaki itu insaf. Dia berkata:"Wahai Aba Ishak, sudah pasti malaikat itu tidak membiarkan aku menolak kehendaknya."Dia tidak tahan lagi mendengar perkataan Ibrahim. Air matanya bercucuran. "Mulai saat ini aku ingin bertaubat kepada Allah." katanya sambil teresak-esak.Kesimpulan: JANGAN MELAKUKAN MAKSIAT.
FH : operation gajah
one of the most interesting place we visited was qamarul's house. we ate a lot! it was raining rather heavily that day. "xper, mkn punya pasal". we met him at masjid pasir mas. thru the rain, he led us to his house with his motocycle. oh, did i mention? hakim was with us on this operaion. so the food hunter had an extra temporary member for the day. as soon as we got to his house, i parked my car under the porch which was quite small for the size of my ride. heh. nway, his mom was in the house. she invited us in.
the first round of meal - keropok. as usual, safwan was the one to finish them. when we're done with the keropok, it's time to pray lah kan? zohor. suddenly qamarul's mom appeared and ask, " make nasik sini deh? nanok doh nie..(makan nasi kt sini ye? da masak nasi da..)" i was thinking that it might be a burden for the family(well, i mean qamarul n his mom), although lunch would be nice. no, good! (so called) reluctantly, we accepted the offer. rezeki jgn ditolak... ahaha..
this is safwan. yeah, he ate the most. almost all the lauk, guess what, he finished them all. and oh, he started his lunch with the nasik tambah. u know, the plate with most rice in it.
when everyone has already finished eating, he was still on it.
the lauk themselves were marvelous. we had tomyam, sambal belacan, what else, fish(i don't know what kind of fish).
see the hand? that's me. the one with kain pelikat is qamarul n the red guy is hakim, our new temporary member. that was 'waiting' time. we waited for safwan to finish eating.
A good muslim is..
Narrated by Abu Musa : some people asked Allh's apostle, "whose Islam is the best? i.e (who is a very good Muslim?)"He replied, " one who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands."
p.s : do not ever hurt your friends.
p.s : do not ever hurt your friends.
Wednesday, June 25
adventure of the food hunters
if u have astro at your house, switch to channel 703. asian food channel. yep, exactly. there will be one show namely 'food hunter'. well, that's not what i'm going to write about here. the food hunters which i'm referring to is the one i created. say what? yes, me! it's actually a group of 3 (me, faiz and safwan) having the same thing to do everyday : thinking about what to do. heh. so one day we decided to visit our friends at their respective homes. this was when i decided to name the 3 stooges as food hunters. because when we go to someone's house, food is compulsory.ahaa..
awin. our first 'victim'. we went 2 her house (forget when la) twice. the first time, it was hunting for food! second, she held solat hajat.
this picture was taken the second time we got to awin's. as i said, she held solat hajat so there were more people present. although 'solat hajat' was used as the objective of going, we(the food hunters) arrived a litle bit too late, the solat was already performed, leading us to the next event - lunch. we got there just in time! ahaa..
awin aside, the food hunters also went hunting at hakim's, aini's, zuhra's, etc etc.. all in all, we covered almost all parts of kelantan or at least the most of them.
- end of part 1 -
yes, we can
Tuesday, June 24
post 101
everyday when i get online, i would check my mails, fs, bla3..
but when all is done, i found myself lost in boredom (again)
until one night, i don't know how, but suddenly i was thinking about blogging.
after looking through a few friends' blogs, and a couple of minutes of thnking..
walla!! i got this blog created!!
yes, we can
but when all is done, i found myself lost in boredom (again)
until one night, i don't know how, but suddenly i was thinking about blogging.
after looking through a few friends' blogs, and a couple of minutes of thnking..
walla!! i got this blog created!!
yes, we can
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