praises to Allah almighty for His blessing and guidance and selawat to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w, forever and always.
2010-1990= 20
20 > [10-19]
23:35 - ...i'm sleepy now, might not be awake when the time comes. if i'm not awake, happy birthday.... (sms : nadira, m10, )
00:00 - mirul, happy birthday. (aqi, roommate)
- beday mirul dah ek? hepi beday.. (hasyim, roommate)
- encik amirul mukmin, selamat hari lahir..smuge bjaya dunia akhirat..da tua..haha.. ak wish bdsrkn tyme jam ak ea, maap le kalo terawal ke.. (sms : wani, m7)
00:01 - Happy birthday pakcik! ....... (MMS : Ain zubaidah, mrsm kt)
00:02 - ......hepi birthday......... (call : khairiyah , 5beta 07)
00:03 - Happy decaying birthday! :-p (sms: huda, m10)
- Mok band, epi bday! blanjo aku kek blek pores cpt! (sms: kakya, my sister)
- farah pun cakap happy birthday....... (huda, m10)
00:06 - salam, happy birthday. moga angka 20 mbawa diri menjadi insan yg lebih baik, a soleh caliph.. may Allah bless u~ (sms: najwa najihah kenshin, kisas)
00:09 - salam. selamat mencapai 20. huhu. umur bukan lg belasan, tp puluhan. smg pnjd umur, diluaskan rzki, dtguhkn iman, bjya dgn cmrlg dunia akhirat.. amin. good luck! (sms: nadzirah tkd, intec)
00:17 - happy 20th bday mokbang busuk. beli slupit deh? .... (sms: along, my brother)
00:33 - tanpa sms x bererti lupa, tiada berita x bermakna menghilang, x berhubung x bermakna hendak melupakan, tp ia adalah satu peluang agar diri ini diingati selalu.. :) h3p! beSdAy..dh tuo dh demo! hehe (sms: khadijah pingu, 5alpha 07)
01:08 - apy bzday mirul..da tua ea..20thn da..hope chat slalu, murah rzkey n pjg umo..apy2 taw..smoge tcpai ape y d impikn..gudlaks.................(sms: fatin fasehah, driving schoolmate)
07:56 - Hepi bday ahslex! (sms: shamin xon, 5 alpha 07)
08:30 - HAPI BRTHDAY atu butuk lap u (sms: mami)
10:16 - salam amirul. slamat hari jadi yg ke 20. moga pnjang umur n murah rzeki (sms: liyana, m10)
11:18 - ....emm, hepi besday to u. mga dimurahkn rzki n dpjgkn umur n awk mndpt kbhgiaan d dnia n akhrt..... (sms: amira cikgu rodziah)
17:56 - epi bezdae! haha. blanja cpt. (sms: adik)
17:58 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 u. happy birthday 2 tok bang happy birthday 2u. (sms: papa)
22:10 - selamat hari lahir amirul. semoga panjang umur dan diberkati Allah swt. (sms: safwan, m7 n anuar m10)
22:31 - salam, slamat hari jadi! semoga pnjg umur n murah rezki.. (sms: hafiyy, m2)
thank you Allah, for still giving me time and chances for me to live and serve You. thank you everyone else for the wishes. and thank a lot more to huda for the card. ahah. what i wrote up here were just wishes texted to me. that doesn't mean i neglect the wishes made by mouth. thanks fadzil, mariam, syarif, dairshini, keren, and aliff.
it's been 20 years since i started breathing. it's been 20 years since i started using everything Allah provides us. 20 years sure is not a short period. i do not know how many years do i have left. up to this point, i am very thankful. and i will always be. insyaAllah..