Sunday, March 29
Taekwondo revisited
time : 8.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m
venue : intec hall
event : 1st intec closed and invitational taekwondo championship 2009
i participated!!!
haha.. it seems like forever since i last sparred. i left taekwondo when i was form 4, that is, in the year of 2006. and i do not join the club here at intec. but still, i participated in the tournament!!
to put it simply, i won the first match (against UiTM johor) and i lost the second one(vs Dynamic Shan Taekwondo Club). since it was a kalah mati tournament, so i did not have the chance to continue. and i did not satisfy!! huu.. there were a lot of participants for my category (below 54kg) that i have to win 2 matches to get a bronze medal. as stated, i lost the second match which could actually bring me to the quarter final. so, x dpat la medal.. (sob2)
but it was good enough given my condition. i mean, i left this thing for at least 3 years, i havent practiced even a bit ever since, my stamina entah ke mana dah.. i still managed to win one match. lols~ the most important part was that i had fun! u know, kicking people is fun especially when u can actually do it seriously. i mean seriously as in seriously. full force, full speed, and when it hit, a pleasurable sound produced. dum!! i missed this so much. as one kick is successful, it makes u want to deliver more. haha..
the aftermath, my kaki bengkak2. i did not regret. i was satisfied. i had relieved all my tense that was accumulated during the last few weeks. i code x i code nye, meeting x meeting nye lagi, study, assignments sume.. those made my head smoking. and it is now cooled. dapat lepas gian. hak2. and i am looking forward for another championship. maybe i can do better. huhu..
i always love martial arts. it is beneficial. especially in this world nowadays, where you cant have total peace even in your home. might as well u learn something. at least u can defend urself if not ppl or things around u when u r attacked. and it is a sunnah as well.. nabi dulu pandai gusti, mnurut satu riwayat.. so, blaja lawan2 pon dpt pahala free2..
this is a video of my first match. i was in 'hung' or red (my faveret colour!). you can see how slow and not powerful my kicks were, and how slow i was. huhu.. the effects of not practicing 4 3 years... but i won this one.haha
I-code kot..
today is 29/3/2009, so i code has officially ended. heh.. suka~
and it was.. well, i say, a success. though not a big time success.. but a success.
lots of ppl came as lots of activities done. bla2, and bla2 and bla2..
(i dont really feel like writing on this one actually, but since everyone does.. so..u know..)
i donated blood for the first time. it was not scary. at all. i mean, not a bit. although certain ppl actually collapsed after doing so (ehem.. oopss2), but i did not. wakaka.. yay me!!
at night, we had this talk by tn haji muhammad abdullah a.k.a. nicholas sylvester, which was also successful. u should visit dira's blog for this.
Saturday, March 21
Bangga Diri~
saje nk kongsi satu cerita yang dipetik drpd blog seorang sahabat... memula baca agak kelakar.. huhu.. tp pengajaran dia banyak.. untuk orang yang tahu berfikir, of course..
Diceritakan orang pada suatu ketika dahulu terdapat seorang professor yang tersangatlah pandainya dalam hal ilmu-ilmu sains duniawi. Pada suatu hari professor tersebut teringin membuat satu kajian masyarakat di pendalaman yang tinggal di tepi sungai. Maka si professor tadi menyewa sebuah sampan untuk ke hulu sungai.
Sepanjang perjalanan memudiki sungai si professor terpesona dengan keindahan alam serta kekayaan flora dan fauna di bumi Malaysia Boleh ini. Si Professor bertanya kepada pak cik pendayung sampan ; “Apa yang pak cik tahu tentang ilmu botani ?” Lalu pak cik itu menjawab ; “entah la nak, pak cik tak sekolah.” Professor berkata lagi ; “Kalau begitu pak cik telah kehilangan 10% dari hidup pak cik kerana tak tahu ilmu botani.” Professor bertanya lagi ; “Apa yang pak cik tahu tentang zoologi ?” PAk cik itu menjawab ; “Entahlah, pak cik tak sekolah.” Professor mengulas lagi ; “Pak cik kehilangan 10% lagi dari hidup pak cik kerana tak tahu zoologi.”
Sedang professor memerhatikan flora dan fauna, si pakcik bertanya ; “Professor tahu berenang ?” Professor tu jawab ; “Tak tahu, saya tak ada masa nak belajar berenang.” Lalu pak cik itu mengulas ; “Professor akan kehilangan 100% hidup professor kerana sampan ini bocor dan kita tak sempat sampai ke tebing.”
huuu... moral of the story??
jangan la kita bangga diri dengan apa yang kita ada. dan sekali-kali jangan,ye, JANGAN lah kita pandang rendah terhadap orang lain yang tak tahu apa yang kita tahu. lebih2 lagi kalau dalam ilmu. walaupun kita ni pandai, genius, banyak yang kita tahu dan orang lain x tahu.. walaupun itu satu fakta, sebenar-benar mana sekali pun, jangan kita riak,sombong, ujub, takbur.. apa lagi?? sebab mungkin ada benda yang dia tahu dan kita pula x tahu. dan boleh jadi satu perkara yang dia tahu dan kita x tahu itu sebenarnya terlebih penting daripada perkara yang kita rasa penting untuk diketahui..
sedarlah diri.. kita ni manusia dan manusia ni memang Allah ciptakan tidak sempurna. ada yang lebih dan ada yang kurang. tiada yang ada semua dan tiada yang tiada semua. kita saling memerlukan.. fikir2kan la..
Wednesday, March 18
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Monday, March 16
date : 13 - 15 march 2009
venue : kem bina semangat, ampang pecah
huhu... tak terkata sedapnye.. in terms of makan, activities, dorm, what else? ceramah, like always, have tonnes of beneficial inputs but they came with sleeping gas. anyways, i survived those. i mean, not 'survive' as in i did not sleep (for goodness sake, how can i not sleep during ceramah?), but i am still alive and kicking and jumping and rolling and, and...whatever. ckgu hassan told us, or should i say, taught us about organization and its stuff like paperwork, meetings and all. basically, i knew more of the things i already knew. but i hate the quizzes though. huhu...
ayte2. on to the most significant part of the camp, the highlights - outdoor activities! haha..
on saturday evening, the, what do u call those ppl again? atok2 pelatih kem tue.. made us build our own rafts, out of 6 barrels, 4 kayu panjang, 3 plank panjang jugak and 12 ropes. there were 5 groups, so practically means 5 rafts. one atok taught us how to tie knots so that the raft wont be falling apart on water. and we did as told. blabla bla bla..finally, our raft was done and then off to water! the lake! we kayuh our own raft, which was nice as it was the first time in my life. i mean, kayuh raft yang dibuat sendiri. and we had a lil race with the rest and we won! big time! haha...thanx to the leader of our group, adlil,who was then awarded as a gud leader from kak g. hoh.. mantap giler rr dier tue.. if it was not for him, i think our group wont go anywhere pon..he was the one yang bsungguh2 menjerit marah2 kt budak2 yg x dayung btol2 after dier ajar cara dayung yg betul and stuff..
and oh, firstly we had to..err.. dayung to the lake. then masuk air.. float.. then only race..haha
as soon as the race has finished, or id rather say, as soon as we won(hoho), its starting to rain, and god, it got heavier.. so we dismantled our raft in the rain. well, since we were already wet anyway, so i dont see why not. haha.. its been like forever since i last played in the rain.
the next day, jungle trekking..yeah! haha..the trekking was not the main attraction, its the river! huhu.. we got to mandi sungai selangor yang indah nian..arus yg agak deras, air yg agak dalam and bersih! hijau dey air dia..huhu.. since the day i came to intec, this was the 3rd time i got to mandi sungai and seriusly this was the best sungai so far..haha.. and we got to the waterfall.. bapak rr sedap gile..cannot be described by words.. u have to go feel for urself.. i maen air and mandi(notice the word used - mandi, not berenang.. huhu) sungai til i was shivering.. but still x puas lagi maen air..ya la, u dont go to that kind of place everyday rite? huhu.. and of course, we took several pictures so we can reminisce the time.. but they are in syazril's camera, so i cannot post them here yet..
so, all in all, i dont think the camp was a waste of time, like most of us thought it would be. we had lotso fun and though tiring, we enjoyed ourselves.(ayat skema esei budak2. wahaha..)
Saturday, March 7
Cendana Cooking Fiesta~
there's a competition today.. cooking competition, or contest, or.. whatever.
the thing is, we have to cook!
we compete against 'laman' so there was 5 competitors or groups or teams.. or whatever. and we did cook..
the chief chef for our laman was fahmi, while me and other friends were to help..
and we made soup.. out of daging.. though i thought it was a simple thing to cook, and that it is not really that special, but hey! i was wrong. because its not what you cook, its how you cook it that counts..
so soup it was.. and it was marvelous.. seriously, this is not exaggerating, but it was indeed sedap x terkata.. ahaa.. ade yg bepeluh2 makan sup tue..
nways.. to put it simply, we won.. and it was a 'sapu bersih' win. not only did we win for the main course, but we also won the first place for buah hiasan..u know, the one u carve something on fruits like watermelon, stuff like that..
okai.. enough said.. these are some pictures taken..