Salam alayk.
I want to thank Allah for giving me this life. although not perfect, but it's always been good.
I want to thank Allah for bringing me along the path i walked. i experienced both good and bad. i know how it feels like to be loved by everyone. i know how it feels like to be on the other end just as well. i know rise and fall.
I want to thank Allah for the people that came into my life, whether they stay or they left. i learned a lot from them. i know the value of a family, of siblings, of parents. i learned not all people live the same happy life i lead with my family. some are dysfunction. some are just too unlucky. but i am lucky. and for that i am thankful.
i learned that not all people are good. and for that i'm getting myself prepared for whatever may occur.
I want to thank Allah for everything. thank you Allah. although i may a lot of times disobey You, do things that may invite your wrath, leave things that you told me to do, yet you still shower me with your blessings, regardless. i am ashamed for all the sins that i've made, but please forgive me, for i am weak. and please do not ever leave me astray, for i am, and have nothing without you. You understand me more than i do myself, so please know, that i am trying to make everything right, within my limited power. most of the times, i failed, but please dont neglect me for my failures. oh Allah, lead me to the right path. oh Allah, bestow your blessings upon those who you sent to me so i can learn from them. if they are not on the right path, please ya Allah, lead them back. i can only do so much to help them. it is you who has all the power. it is you who actually created them and control them. protect me, them, and our families from the evilness of your creatures. oh Allah, give me strength, to not only fight the bad side of me, but other people's as well. give me strength to help those who need help. give me strength and ability to help people i meet and know, whether they help in the process of becoming me or not, for i love all of them. give me strength to give, not only to take. oh ya Allah, if i should get married, send me someone who can obey me, and willing to learn, so i can lead a family that you bless. give me strength to teach my spouse and to protect her from any kind of harm. if i should bear children, give me strength to do the same to them too, for i want to continue living the happy family live that i lead right now. give me strength to lead them all to your path, and make them a blessing not a curse to me. ya Allah please help me find happiness in this world in the hereafter. you are the only one i can count on and the only one i can ask for help and you are my only hope.
may Allah give you peace and blessings too. i am thankful that you read this post. for i know that at least my effort is not entirely futile. oh ya Allah, please dont ever leave us. we need you forever.
Saturday, November 5
Monday, October 24
i'm so tired of being here.
Sunday, September 4
Aku tak faham.
kenapa nak cakap segala aktiviti kat facebook? nak berak? nak makan? nak mandi? nak basuh baju? nak tidur? pergi je lah. nak report kat siapa? takde org tanya pun.
kenapa mesti beritahu segala jenis perasaan kat status facebook? emo? stress? sedih? happy? tak cukup kasih sayang ke? nak perhatian orang ramai? kalau happy takpe lah nak share. kalau sedih atau emo luahkan lah kat orang yang sudi dengar. kalau takde, luahkan secara kreatif, yang boleh lah jugak 'benefit' orang awam. (macam aku, post lagu banyak2, boleh laa jugak org dengar lagu2 best. haha)
kenapa mesti tunjuk gambar kau dengan 'pakwe/makwe' yang sangat 'sweet' banyak2, lepas tu siap berinteraksi secara meloyakannya di tempat orang awam boleh melihat? jijik lah. aku rasa married couple pun tak buat macam tu.
sape nak fire aku balik, fire lah. aku tahu wing chun.
kenapa mesti beritahu segala jenis perasaan kat status facebook? emo? stress? sedih? happy? tak cukup kasih sayang ke? nak perhatian orang ramai? kalau happy takpe lah nak share. kalau sedih atau emo luahkan lah kat orang yang sudi dengar. kalau takde, luahkan secara kreatif, yang boleh lah jugak 'benefit' orang awam. (macam aku, post lagu banyak2, boleh laa jugak org dengar lagu2 best. haha)
kenapa mesti tunjuk gambar kau dengan 'pakwe/makwe' yang sangat 'sweet' banyak2, lepas tu siap berinteraksi secara meloyakannya di tempat orang awam boleh melihat? jijik lah. aku rasa married couple pun tak buat macam tu.
sape nak fire aku balik, fire lah. aku tahu wing chun.
Sunday, August 14
post puasa tahun ini
Salam Alayk.
(Masa yang diwajibkan kamu berpuasa itu ialah) bulan Ramadan yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia, dan menjadi keterangan-keterangan yang menjelaskan petunjuk dan (menjelaskan) perbezaan antara yang benar dengan yang salah. Oleh itu, sesiapa dari antara kamu yang menyaksikan anak bulan Ramadan (atau mengetahuinya), maka hendaklah ia berpuasa bulan itu; dan sesiapa yang sakit atau dalam musafir maka (bolehlah ia berbuka, Kemudian wajiblah ia berpuasa) sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain. (Dengan ketetapan yang demikian itu) Allah menghendaki kamu beroleh kemudahan, dan Ia tidak menghendaki kamu menanggung kesukaran. Dan juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan), dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjukNya, dan supaya kamu bersyukur.
(Al-Baqarah: 185)
Sebut sahaja Ramadhan tentu banyak perkara yang mula bermain di fikiran: puasa, tarawikh, sedekah, raya, bazaar, sahur, dan paling utama, makanan yang berbagai. Biasa. Bagi sesetengah orang pula, bulan Ramadhan adalah satu bulan yang dinanti-nanti kerana segala amalan yang dilakukan dalam bulan itu, Allah beri ganjaran berlipa-lipat ganda. Maka golongan ini akan banyak melakukan amalan-amalan sunat. Yang tidak pernah ke masjid, pada bulan Ramadhan lah rajin ke masjid dengan tidak semena-mena. Alhamdulillah. Baguslah kan?
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w :
“(Allah s.w.t berfirman) : Sesungguhnya dia (hamba) meninggalkan makan dan minum serta syahwatnya kerana-KU. Puasa (yang dia kerjakan adalah) kerana-KU. Puasa adalah untuk-KU. Sedangkan, AKU memberi balasan setiap kebaikan itu dengan sepuluh kali ganda sehingga 700 kali ganda kecuali ibadah puasa. Ini kerana, ia (puasa) adalah untuk-KU dan (sudah tentu) AKU sendiri yang akan memberi balasannya”
“(Allah s.w.t berfirman) : Sesungguhnya dia (hamba) meninggalkan makan dan minum serta syahwatnya kerana-KU. Puasa (yang dia kerjakan adalah) kerana-KU. Puasa adalah untuk-KU. Sedangkan, AKU memberi balasan setiap kebaikan itu dengan sepuluh kali ganda sehingga 700 kali ganda kecuali ibadah puasa. Ini kerana, ia (puasa) adalah untuk-KU dan (sudah tentu) AKU sendiri yang akan memberi balasannya”
(Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Malik dalam al-Muwaththa’, Kitab al-Shiyam – no: 603)
Tidak lupa juga kepada yang betul-betul menghayati bulan Ramadhan dengan mengingati dan ‘melibatkan’ diri dengan peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku pada bulan mulia ini ketika zaman Rasulullah SAW dulu. Perang badar, contohnya. Memikirkan nabi dan para sahabat suatu ketika dahulu berperang sewaktu berpuasa memberikan semangat kepada mereka untuk melakukan kerja-kerja harian. Untuk berjihad di bidang masing-masing. Ramadhan juga merupakan satu bulan yang mana di turunkan kitab suci al-Quran di dalamnya. Wujud juga golongan yang akan banyak membaca al-Quran sepanjang bulan ramadhan.
Monday, June 20
memberi dan diberi
Salam alayk.
post kali inspired by blog kawan aku. thank you orang yg berkenaan.
consider this :
ada lah seorang kawan kau, kita namakan dia X. kau tak rapat sangat dengan dia. tapi dia ni dalam kalangan kawan2 kau jugak lah. jauh2 sikit. dan kau tahu dia ni seorang smoker tegar, walaupun dia smoke secara sembunyi. hari2 dia hisap rokok satu kotak sehari. dia tak tahu kau tahu dia smoker tegar. lepas tu, pada suatu hari...
X : weh ________________ (isi dengan nama kau). ko tahu tak? smoking ni bahaya bai. boleh dpt lung cancer. dah la tu, ulama kata haram pulak. so kalau ko hisap rokok, berdosa ah.
bagaimana reaksi korang?
post kali inspired by blog kawan aku. thank you orang yg berkenaan.
consider this :
ada lah seorang kawan kau, kita namakan dia X. kau tak rapat sangat dengan dia. tapi dia ni dalam kalangan kawan2 kau jugak lah. jauh2 sikit. dan kau tahu dia ni seorang smoker tegar, walaupun dia smoke secara sembunyi. hari2 dia hisap rokok satu kotak sehari. dia tak tahu kau tahu dia smoker tegar. lepas tu, pada suatu hari...
X : weh ________________ (isi dengan nama kau). ko tahu tak? smoking ni bahaya bai. boleh dpt lung cancer. dah la tu, ulama kata haram pulak. so kalau ko hisap rokok, berdosa ah.
bagaimana reaksi korang?
Friday, June 10
transformation 101
Salam alayk.
In need of self-transformation? But no idea how?
Here are a few steps that can be your guidelines:
1. Understand your reason.
Why do you want to change? To impress someone? Tired of living like you are living right now? You decide. But the ultimate reason for changing is of course because of Allah. Because with that, you get reward not only here, but in the hereafter just as well, insyaAllah. And one thing about changing for the sake of Allah is that your reason is always there, so the chances of you having second thoughts are reduced to almost nil. When you want to change because you like someone and trying to impress him or her, he or she might go away, or taken or die. When that happens, your reason to change is gone. So you won’t change anymore. Which is bad, if you are actually planning a change for the better.
On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said : I heard the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say:
"Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated."
2. Aim.
How would you want yourself to be like? What part of you do you want to change? Aims would drive you to where you want to be. It is also aim that determines what you have to do in order to carry out the change. That is why aim is something crucial, without which, you would be lost. Maybe you were someone with bad mouth odour, and you want to change that. So you will have to practice oral hygiene even more religiously, like brush your teeth after every meal. Or something like that. Another instance is that you are someone with ‘bad-tongue’ in that you like to talk bad about others. Realising this is a mistake, you want to change it. Because of Allah. You know He does not like it. So you will have to keep your tongue busy with good things like zikir.
3. Effort.
Here comes the most important and hardest step. Now that you know your reason, and you have set your goal, it is time to work it out. No use planning without actually putting it into actions, yes? This is entirely up to you.
For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron. [ar-ra’d : 11]
Taking the previous instance, ‘bad-tongue’, your effort will be keeping your tongue busy with good deeds like zikr. That way you will not have much free time to talk about other people. And always remind yourself about the change that you want to make. That will prevent you from doing what you always do. Resist the temptation of carrying out this bad habit. Pray that Allah will make it easy for you and that He will help you through it. Remember that He is always there.
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible. [ghafir:60]
The thing about changing for the better is that it is never easy. No one says it is. It is always hard to even begin, let alone keeping it within you for the rest of your life. But know this: the first step is always the hardest, the first cut is always the deepest. As you go along, you will actually doing it without even realising it. It is indeed your habit. Say, do you remember when you first perform you solat? Did it occur to you that you were once forced to do it, and at the beginning you did it reluctantly? Look at yourself now. I bet you perform your solat without having people to remind you anymore. So when you have reached your goal, remember to look back to where you were and see yourself now, not to be proud of yourself, but to be grateful that Allah has actually help you through it. And now that you are a new you, it is time to help others that might still trapped with the’ you’ that you once were.
And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good. [Al-ankabut : 69]
In need of self-transformation? But no idea how?
Here are a few steps that can be your guidelines:
1. Understand your reason.
Why do you want to change? To impress someone? Tired of living like you are living right now? You decide. But the ultimate reason for changing is of course because of Allah. Because with that, you get reward not only here, but in the hereafter just as well, insyaAllah. And one thing about changing for the sake of Allah is that your reason is always there, so the chances of you having second thoughts are reduced to almost nil. When you want to change because you like someone and trying to impress him or her, he or she might go away, or taken or die. When that happens, your reason to change is gone. So you won’t change anymore. Which is bad, if you are actually planning a change for the better.
On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said : I heard the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say:
"Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated."
2. Aim.
How would you want yourself to be like? What part of you do you want to change? Aims would drive you to where you want to be. It is also aim that determines what you have to do in order to carry out the change. That is why aim is something crucial, without which, you would be lost. Maybe you were someone with bad mouth odour, and you want to change that. So you will have to practice oral hygiene even more religiously, like brush your teeth after every meal. Or something like that. Another instance is that you are someone with ‘bad-tongue’ in that you like to talk bad about others. Realising this is a mistake, you want to change it. Because of Allah. You know He does not like it. So you will have to keep your tongue busy with good things like zikir.
3. Effort.
Here comes the most important and hardest step. Now that you know your reason, and you have set your goal, it is time to work it out. No use planning without actually putting it into actions, yes? This is entirely up to you.
For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron. [ar-ra’d : 11]
Taking the previous instance, ‘bad-tongue’, your effort will be keeping your tongue busy with good deeds like zikr. That way you will not have much free time to talk about other people. And always remind yourself about the change that you want to make. That will prevent you from doing what you always do. Resist the temptation of carrying out this bad habit. Pray that Allah will make it easy for you and that He will help you through it. Remember that He is always there.
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible. [ghafir:60]
The thing about changing for the better is that it is never easy. No one says it is. It is always hard to even begin, let alone keeping it within you for the rest of your life. But know this: the first step is always the hardest, the first cut is always the deepest. As you go along, you will actually doing it without even realising it. It is indeed your habit. Say, do you remember when you first perform you solat? Did it occur to you that you were once forced to do it, and at the beginning you did it reluctantly? Look at yourself now. I bet you perform your solat without having people to remind you anymore. So when you have reached your goal, remember to look back to where you were and see yourself now, not to be proud of yourself, but to be grateful that Allah has actually help you through it. And now that you are a new you, it is time to help others that might still trapped with the’ you’ that you once were.
And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good. [Al-ankabut : 69]
Tuesday, May 31
Building and Destroying
Salam alayk.
Consider these :
A - Lego skyscraper.
building time : >10 minutes. with full effort, that when you finished, you got tired. literally. and satisfied.
destroying time: < 1 minute. one hit only. done.
B - Real skyscraper. the one involved in 9/11. i forgot the name.
building time: who cares, but im sure it took a few years. with full effort.
destroying time : a few hours. < one day for sure. one or two plane crashes. done.
C- Relationship
building time : depends
destroying time : less than building time
D - Rapport
building time : depends
destroying time : less than building time
now question. why is it something built so hard and took so long, can be destroyed so easily?
Consider these :
A - Lego skyscraper.
building time : >10 minutes. with full effort, that when you finished, you got tired. literally. and satisfied.
destroying time: < 1 minute. one hit only. done.
B - Real skyscraper. the one involved in 9/11. i forgot the name.
building time: who cares, but im sure it took a few years. with full effort.
destroying time : a few hours. < one day for sure. one or two plane crashes. done.
C- Relationship
building time : depends
destroying time : less than building time
D - Rapport
building time : depends
destroying time : less than building time
now question. why is it something built so hard and took so long, can be destroyed so easily?
Saturday, May 28
P for..
have you ever felt that you are so pathetic?
well, yes i have. i still do. now.
well, yes i have. i still do. now.
Friday, May 20
Post exam stress
Salam alayk.
we all know stress. we heard it almost everyday throughout the year. especially when exam is near. staying up late at night, a lot to cover, cannot remember bla3 you name it.
but have you ever heard of the phrase above? post exam stress? i bet you don't. or d-
POST exam stress is the tension you feel right after the exam.yes. it's quite the same as the one that you feel prior to your exam, except that the stressors are different now. for example, you do not know what to do. which leads to boredom. and that is stressful.
oh well, just to say, i'm feeling that as we speak.
we all know stress. we heard it almost everyday throughout the year. especially when exam is near. staying up late at night, a lot to cover, cannot remember bla3 you name it.
but have you ever heard of the phrase above? post exam stress? i bet you don't. or d-
POST exam stress is the tension you feel right after the exam.yes. it's quite the same as the one that you feel prior to your exam, except that the stressors are different now. for example, you do not know what to do. which leads to boredom. and that is stressful.
oh well, just to say, i'm feeling that as we speak.
Friday, April 29
Dah lama tak tulis blog
Salam alayk.
*baca balik tajuk diatas sebagai ayat pembuka tirai post aku kali ini*
dua minggu lagi exam eos. eos itu merupakan singkatan yang digunakan di imu. iaitu end of semester. imu itu juga merupakan singkatan bagi nama universiti. international medical university. eos kat imu ni ada 3 kali. eos2, setelah habis sem 2, eos 3 selepas sem 3 dan eos 5 selepas sem 5. eos merupakan exam professional di imu. kat mana ntah professional nya. aku pun tak tahu. dari itu, eos 2 secara automatik nya menjadi exam professional yang pertama bagi aku. ia akan cover sem 1 dan sem 2 punya silibus. bunyi macam ok je kan. tapi sumpah banyak nak mati. dengan microb nya lagi, parasite2 semua. dah la nama pelik2. nak hafal. Strongyloides stercoralis lah, Ascaris lumbricoides lah. cacing kerawit je padahal pun. pastu ubat2 pun nak jugak nama pelik2. neostigmine lah, benztropine lah. tak boleh ke bagi nama senang nak ingat? ubat migraine. bagilah nama, ubat migraine 1, ubat migraine 2. heee. gere aku.
anyway. aku tengah stress sebenarnya nih. haha. masih ada dua minggu. dah tahu benda banyak, study ah kan. dok tulis blog buat apa. oh well, what to do. ko kena rasa dulu cane jadi aku baru ko tahu cane aku rasa.
*baca balik tajuk diatas sebagai ayat pembuka tirai post aku kali ini*
dua minggu lagi exam eos. eos itu merupakan singkatan yang digunakan di imu. iaitu end of semester. imu itu juga merupakan singkatan bagi nama universiti. international medical university. eos kat imu ni ada 3 kali. eos2, setelah habis sem 2, eos 3 selepas sem 3 dan eos 5 selepas sem 5. eos merupakan exam professional di imu. kat mana ntah professional nya. aku pun tak tahu. dari itu, eos 2 secara automatik nya menjadi exam professional yang pertama bagi aku. ia akan cover sem 1 dan sem 2 punya silibus. bunyi macam ok je kan. tapi sumpah banyak nak mati. dengan microb nya lagi, parasite2 semua. dah la nama pelik2. nak hafal. Strongyloides stercoralis lah, Ascaris lumbricoides lah. cacing kerawit je padahal pun. pastu ubat2 pun nak jugak nama pelik2. neostigmine lah, benztropine lah. tak boleh ke bagi nama senang nak ingat? ubat migraine. bagilah nama, ubat migraine 1, ubat migraine 2. heee. gere aku.
anyway. aku tengah stress sebenarnya nih. haha. masih ada dua minggu. dah tahu benda banyak, study ah kan. dok tulis blog buat apa. oh well, what to do. ko kena rasa dulu cane jadi aku baru ko tahu cane aku rasa.
Friday, March 4
Tag saidak.
Salam alayk. lama dah tak buat benda2 gini. layan lahh..
1. pernahkah anda rasa 'hot'?
kalau hot as in sbb x bukak kipas then banyak kali lah.
2. upload wallpaper yang anda gunakan sekarang.
guna kat mana?
3. ceritakan pasal wallpaper tersebut.
4. bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza.
beberapa minggu lepas
5. lagu paling terbaru anda dengar.
auburn - all about him.
6. apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
AIR Topic - lead poisoning
7. selain nama sendiri,anda dipanggil nama apa?
nama saya sendiri
8. tag lagi 5 orang
x nak.
9. siapa orang no. 1 kepada anda?
x dpt lah nk jawab
10. katakan sesuatu pada orang no. 5?
hai orang no 5
11. no. 3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
siapa no 3?
12. bagaimana pula dengan no. 2?
13. kata-kata cinta dengan orang no.4?
ha. ha. ha.
14. 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang orang yang anda tag
1. hantu
2. hantu
3. hantu
4. hantu
5. hantu
Saiduck!! buat dh tag mu. haha. lepas satu tanggunjawab. :D
Thursday, February 24
23 february 2011
Salam alayk. =)
kronologi tahun ini.
00:00 - amirul. happy birthday ? (intan nur hadilah, skype)
- omg aku nya ip tkleh rotate. so pandai. haha. sorry. anywayyyyyy!
its 23rd feb already? really. so, happy birthday weh. i get the date right am i? :)
may Allah bless you everyday and everything :)
happy 21st birthday amirul mukmin.
intan nur hadilah
- apy bzday mirul ... (fatin fasehah, sms)
00:02 - salam. epi bedae! cpt blanje mkn! (adik, sms)
- Happy birthday, mirul! =) (nurulhuda, sms)
00:03 - colets..hepi tuo day!! (siti khairiah, sms)
00:09 - hepi bohday mokbang kroon! nnt blnja mkn piza deh. wahaha. (along, sms)
00:36 - pokcik mirol!! happy birthday!!
may ALLAH bless u always.
buleh doh tu gi daftar kursus kawen tu esok luso.
anyway, stay happy. :)) (afiqah mustafpa, facebook)
smga pnjang umr n murah rezki..
epy2 sokmo!!!. (rena, facebook)
kronologi tahun ini.
00:00 - amirul. happy birthday ? (intan nur hadilah, skype)
- omg aku nya ip tkleh rotate. so pandai. haha. sorry. anywayyyyyy!
its 23rd feb already? really. so, happy birthday weh. i get the date right am i? :)
may Allah bless you everyday and everything :)
happy 21st birthday amirul mukmin.
intan nur hadilah
- apy bzday mirul ... (fatin fasehah, sms)
00:02 - salam. epi bedae! cpt blanje mkn! (adik, sms)
- Happy birthday, mirul! =) (nurulhuda, sms)
00:03 - colets..hepi tuo day!! (siti khairiah, sms)
00:09 - hepi bohday mokbang kroon! nnt blnja mkn piza deh. wahaha. (along, sms)
00:36 - pokcik mirol!! happy birthday!!
may ALLAH bless u always.
buleh doh tu gi daftar kursus kawen tu esok luso.
anyway, stay happy. :)) (afiqah mustafpa, facebook)
00:38 - epy besday to u...... (mazriazi, facebook)
00:44 - eh.. nak tumpg gop ah.. hepi besday mirulll (ilie aslah, facebook)
00:48 - sanah helwah
saenggil chukkahamnida
may god bless (siti khadijah *dojot* , facebook)
01:41 - selamat hari lahir mirul! :) (rohaizah, sms)
02:02 - epy bday mokbang!! cpt blanja aku weekend nie (kak ya, sms)
02:19 - happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u, happy birthday amirul mukmin, happy birthday
to u. smoga sntiasa dlm rahmat Allah.
p.s: 21 dos dio. :) (najwa najihah, sms)
05:12 - salam alayk. happy 21st birthday mirul! ^_^ may you be blessed with a long and healthy life. may u be given understanding in His deen insyaAllah. =) (nadira termizi, sms)
06:13 - hepi besday amirul. smga dpjgkn umur, dmurahkn rzki n awk mdpt kbhgiaan hdp di dnia mahupn di akhrt. amin. (amira, sms)
07:05 - HAPI BRTHDAY atu mami love u (mami, sms)
07:42 - salam. umur anda makin bertambah, moga amal dn iman anda bertambah hendaknya. happy birthday! :-) (nadiah twins, sms)
07:44 - salam. selamat hari lahir. happy birthday. otanjobi omedetou. may Allah bless always, here n hereafter.... :-D (nabila twins, sms)
10:00 - mirol!!!epy bufday..
tgk..ak igt la bufday mg...
heheh..smga pnjang umr n murah rezki..
epy2 sokmo!!!. (rena, facebook)
12:35 - herzlichen gluckwunsch zum geburtstag! (syariful bahri, sms)
17:10 - hepi birthday! kawen cpat2 :) (anis lyana, sms)
18:48 - mirul!!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday! i hope u like my present. the book yg eka mntak plgkn tu! :D ur first experience in returning a lib book! haha! (eka irina, sms)
19:00 - HB :) (fateen amiera, facebook)
20:50 - slm.... hepi besday 2 u.... smoga pnjg umur n smoga sntiasa brada di bwh rahmatNya (siti khadijah *pingu*, skype)
21:30 - ramai2 altogether buat surprise party. tapi kantoi awal2 lagi. ahaa.. sorry guys. but thanks so so so so so so much! ;)
23.30 - salam, mirul hari ni bday ko eh? hapy birthday. haha. (akmar anwar, facebook)
23:50 - happy birthday mirul! :) (aliff ashraf, facebook)
23:53 - selamat hari lahir mirul . sori x g celebrate tadi. :p (shafiq *kulai* , facebook)
23:55- epi besday amirul! (azizi *gosh*, facebook)
Alhamdulillah, smpai jugak umur aku 21 tahun. i thank God for still giving me chance to live. and hopefully with the increase in age, my amal and iman will increase just as well, insyaAllah. =)
thank you so much kepada sesiapa yang ingat birthday aku. especially rakan2 yg buat party td lah kan. and thank you very22 much kt intan for everything. kau lah wish aku paling banyak and buat bnda paling byk. ;) will remember this year's birthday until my life ends. insyaAllah..
kepada sesiapa yang wish tapi x includ dlm ni, jgn lah terasa hati ya.. :)
Sunday, February 20
Sey tak kiro, sey nak an juo si milah tu. apo nak jadi, jadi lah.
Salam alayk. yes. another copy and paste stuff. it's good, so it deserves to be copied and pasted and passed around.
Bagi yang sedang bercinta / jatuh hati pada seseorang tapi xmampu nak berkahwin, tolonglah bace yee… (Isu panazzz yang lebih hangat daripada biasa ) hehe..
1. Saya daa ter`jatuh’ hati kat die laa… camno ni?
“Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang yang sendirian (bujang) di antara kamu”.
Surah An-Nur: 32
"Nikah adalah sunnahku (jalan agamaku), maka barangsiapa yang cintakan agamaku hendaklah dia menjalankan sunahku itu”.
Riwayat Abu Ya’la dari Ibnu Abbas
“Berkahwinlah supaya kamu menjadi ramai, bahawasanya aku bermegah-megah dengan kamu akan segala umat pada hari kiamat hingga dengan anak yang gugur dari perut ibunya”.
Riwayat Abu Bakar bin Mardawiyah dari Ibnu Umar

Friday, February 11
Maulidur rasul
Salam alayk.
sekarang bulan february. oh, siapa tak tahu tentang itu. sure semua sedar. minggu depan 14hb februari. ohh! valentine! siapa yang tidak tahu atau sedar akan kehadiran hari tersebut pastilah seorang yang sangat2....hulu. kampung. pedalaman. kolot.
esoknya, 15 hb tu adalah maulidur rasul. oh. maulidur rasul. ok.
ok je? tahu tak maulidur rasul tu apa?
sekarang bulan february. oh, siapa tak tahu tentang itu. sure semua sedar. minggu depan 14hb februari. ohh! valentine! siapa yang tidak tahu atau sedar akan kehadiran hari tersebut pastilah seorang yang sangat2....hulu. kampung. pedalaman. kolot.
esoknya, 15 hb tu adalah maulidur rasul. oh. maulidur rasul. ok.
ok je? tahu tak maulidur rasul tu apa?
Wednesday, February 9
salam alayk.
aku dah start sem 2 kat imu. lagi 2 tahun tinggal untuk habis 5 sem. insyaAllah tak perlu repeat. habis cepat2. ahaa. ok. takde idea nak tulis benda2 menarik lagi.
aku dah start sem 2 kat imu. lagi 2 tahun tinggal untuk habis 5 sem. insyaAllah tak perlu repeat. habis cepat2. ahaa. ok. takde idea nak tulis benda2 menarik lagi.
Saturday, January 29
Dua hadis untuk hari ini
“Daripada Anas r.a. berkata: “Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Allah S.W.T. telah berfirman (dalam hadis qudsi): “Hai anak Adam! Selama engkau masih berdoa dan berharap kepadaKu, Aku mengampuni bagimu akan segala dosa yang ada padamu dan aku tidak peduli (walaupun dosa itu banyak sekali). Hai anak Adam! Jikalau seandainya dosamu itu sampai ke atas awan yang ada di langit, kemudian kamu datang mengharapkan keampunan daripadaKu nescaya Aku berikan keampunan kepadamu. Hai anak Adam! Sesungguhnya jikalau engkau datang kepadaku membawa dosa sepenuh bumi ini, kemudian engkau datang menemui Aku padahal engkau tidak mempersekutukan Aku dengan sesuatu, nescaya Aku akan datangkan kepadamu sepenuh bumi pula keampuanan.” (Hadith Riwayat Tirmidhi).
Imam al- Ghazali telah menulis di dalam kitabnya Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, antaranya: Telah berkata Hudhayfa: “Saya selalu berkata kasar terhadap keluargaku, jadi saya berkata kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.: “Wahai Rasulullah, saya takut lidah saya akan membawa ku ke neraka.” Berkata Nabi yang mulia: “Bagaimana jika kamu meminta ampun? Saya memohon keampunan Tuhan 100 kali setiap hari. ”‘Seorang lelaki yang tidak pernah melakukan kebaikan melihat ke langit dan berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku mempunyai Tuhan. Wahai Tuhan, ampunilah aku!” dan Tuhan ‘Azza wa Jalla berkata: “Aku sudah terlebih dahulu memaafkannya.” “Sekiranya seorang lelaki melakukan dosa, tetapi mengetahui bahawa Tuhan melihatnya, di akan mendapat keampunan walaupun tidak memohonnya.” (Hadith Riwayat Tabarani).
Imam al- Ghazali telah menulis di dalam kitabnya Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, antaranya: Telah berkata Hudhayfa: “Saya selalu berkata kasar terhadap keluargaku, jadi saya berkata kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.: “Wahai Rasulullah, saya takut lidah saya akan membawa ku ke neraka.” Berkata Nabi yang mulia: “Bagaimana jika kamu meminta ampun? Saya memohon keampunan Tuhan 100 kali setiap hari. ”‘Seorang lelaki yang tidak pernah melakukan kebaikan melihat ke langit dan berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku mempunyai Tuhan. Wahai Tuhan, ampunilah aku!” dan Tuhan ‘Azza wa Jalla berkata: “Aku sudah terlebih dahulu memaafkannya.” “Sekiranya seorang lelaki melakukan dosa, tetapi mengetahui bahawa Tuhan melihatnya, di akan mendapat keampunan walaupun tidak memohonnya.” (Hadith Riwayat Tabarani).
Saturday, January 22
love story?
Salam alayk.
when ALLAH knows you're ready for the responsibility of commitment
He'll reveal the right person under the right circumstances
wait patiently
don't waste your time searching and wishing and chasing
just grow and be ready
then ALLAH will give you a love story
far greater than you can ever imagine
Thursday, January 13
The Healthy Marriage
Salam alayk. haha. okay, i don't know why i'm laughing.
anyway, out of boredom, i went through a lot brother nouman's lectures on youtube. a good way to kill some time, huh? his lectures always go straight through my heart, you know, i was like, does this guy know me? or something like that. what he says, are normally precisely what i need to hear from somebody. jazakallah khair ustaz.
well, this one is nice. enjoy. you won't regret spending half an hour listening to his lecture.
anyway, out of boredom, i went through a lot brother nouman's lectures on youtube. a good way to kill some time, huh? his lectures always go straight through my heart, you know, i was like, does this guy know me? or something like that. what he says, are normally precisely what i need to hear from somebody. jazakallah khair ustaz.
well, this one is nice. enjoy. you won't regret spending half an hour listening to his lecture.
Saturday, January 8
Salam alayk. yes. another copy paste stuff. credit tu Hanum.
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan:
”Kami telah beriman”, sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta.
~ Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
~ Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
Thursday, January 6
yes peter, what has you upset?
Salam alayk. sorry for previous pathetic post. this one should be a good start for this year. =) i copied from someone's facebook note.
please read, and THINK. thank you.
Di suatu malam depan panggung wayang…
Sizuka : Best tengok wayang dgn awk td..kelakar je cerita tu..xbosan kan?
Nobita : A’ ah xbosan. Best!
Sizuka : Kalau best, knp awk letakkan kepala awk kat bahu sy & beritahu sy y awk mengantuk?
Nobita : Errr~ hehe..
Sizuka : Nasib baik kita pakai sweater kn awk? Kalau x, mesti sejuk dalam tu td.
Nobita : A’ah..btul3! Xdela sejuk sgt td bila dah pakai sweater ni.
Sizuka : Klu xsejuk, kenapa awk pegang tangan sy & beritahu y awk sejuk?
Nobita : Errr~ hehe..
Mereka pun menuju ke i-City..
Sizuka : Awk, sy cantik x?
Nobita : Awk kn syg sy..mestilah cantik..
Sizuka : Kalau sy ni betul cantik bagi awk, kenapa bila sy pakai baju-baju tertentu baru awak akan puji sy cantik. Kalau sy pakai baju longgar, awk diam je..kadang-kadang awk akan tanya saya kenapa pakai baju besar..kalau sy pakai baju ketat, baru awk puji sy cantik..knp ye?
Nobita : Errr~ hehe..
Mereka pun tiba di i-City..
Wednesday, January 5
i screw up
this is my first post of the year. sorry to begin the year with something pathetic. it's a fact though.
i screw up all the time. big time. almost everything.
sorry fellas.
i screw up all the time. big time. almost everything.
sorry fellas.
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